Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Loving Yourself Inside and Out!


I decided to write this blog on body image as a brief introduction to my health promotion commercial, and also because running and exercise can help women feel happier about their bodies. A lot of women suffer from a distorted body image, and perceive types of their body unlike they really are. Women are constantly pressured to have the “Barbie Doll” or model type body by our media and people in our lives, and this can lead to emotional distress, low self-esteem, dieting, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. Being extremely thin is considered beautiful in our culture, and for most people this is very difficult and/or impossible to achieve and maintain. Did you know that only about 5 percent of women fall under this criterion of thin? These women that are naturally thin also often have small breasts, so the images of women that we see in the media most likely have implants or are completely perfected on the computer. Since you’ve learned that the model image, for the most part, is made up, here are some ways that you can feel more comfortable with your body and achieve some health benefits at the same time. Eat healthily, exercise regularly, and get plenty of rest. Eating healthily can promote healthy skin and hair, along with strong bones. Regular exercise can boost self-esteem, self-image, mood, and energy levels. Getting plenty of rest is key to stress management. It’s not fair that women have to deal with the anxiety, stress, and discomfort daily with pressures to be “perfect.” Women should be made to feel comfortable with their bodies and deal with anxieties in a healthy way!

Reference: http://www.4woman.gov/bodyimage/


Cathleen Burke said...

Great topic, and I cant wait to see your commercial. It is so hard for young girls in this society to have a positive self image. I work with a lot of young and every year I see the changes in attitudes and especially clothing...I agree with all of your suggestions and wish girls and women would take this advice more readily and be happy with themselves, great topic!

Kristin said...

This is a great blog especially since it came directly from you! Ever since I took mass comm. and women studies, I really started to notice the portrayed "perfect" body image in commercials, magazines, etc. I mean to each his own, if fake is perfect to someone then so be it. However, it makes me angry and upset to see it actually affect people such as little girls on diets, its just not right. However, I completely agree with your tips to make one feel better about themself. In my eyes; if you're doing everything you can to benefit yourself and your health, you're independence, confidence, and self esteem will sky rocket! You need to make yourself happy first before you try to make anyone else happy.