Monday, October 13, 2008

The Common Cold hits Westfield State

I decided to write this weeks blog on the common cold because it has been spreading from person to person on the Westfield State campus the past few weeks. Last week it hit my cross-country team hard, and had a negative impact on some of my teammates practices and races. On Tuesday’s workout the women’s team was dropping like flies, and on Saturday’s race two of our top runners finished about a minute slower than usual. 

Colds are responsible for more days lost from work and more uncomfortable days spent at work than any other minor illness. The common cold can be caused by any number of different viruses, and are always present throughout the world. It is possible to catch a cold from the airborne droplets of another person’s sneeze or from skin-to skin contact. The best way to avoid the common cold is to eat healthily, washing your hands regularly, get adequate rest, stress reduction, regular exercise, and avoiding those with a newly developed colds as best as possible. If you get a cold, drink lots of fluids, bed rest, and take over-the-counter preparations to relieve symptoms. 

Reference: Health the Basics by Rebecca J. Donatelle 


1 comment:

Daniel Willemain said...

good to know, cause i just caught a cold the other day!